Friday, October 21, 2011

Apartment 3

posted by Alan
click on pictures to see them full size

2.5 years, 3 apartments, 1 corner. Those are our stats so far. I guess it doesn't sound so strange to expats in Shanghai, where things are constantly changing, but that's alot of moving. Where we live is just so convenient that we can't bring ourselves to leave the intersection of Hengshan Rd and Gao An Rd.

With Janie being much more mobile now (she's a bumper car in her walker. Pretty lazy when it comes to crawling, although she can) we needed more space. We found it across the street. It's still two bedrooms, but the bedrooms are much bigger and the living area has it's own door (crucial for sleeping babies) and is also much bigger. More space for Uncle Steven to sprawl out when he comes to visit in November.

Check it out:
Living Room View from Living Room
Kitchen; Janie's Room Our Bedroom Living Room at Night

We're still accepting all visitors! But more likely, we'll see you in December.